
RDA BG node activities presented during the The Eleventh National Information Day: Open Science, Open Data, Open Access, Bulgarian Open Science Cloud

Prof. Ana Proykova presented the RDA-BG node activities during The Eleventh National Information Day: Open Science, Open Data, Open Access, Bulgarian Open Science Cloud. The webinar was held on 25th of September 2020 and was organized by the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.

The RDA BG node webinar, held on 21.9.2020 in Zlatograd

On 21st of September, the RDA team of the Bulgarian RDA node organized a hybrid seminar on the topic: Involving EOSC activities in the activities of the RDA nodes.

The event was held in Zlatograd, Bulgaria, in the premises of the Sevrieva house and in parallel it was web streamed via the ZOOM system. Approximately 35 researchers, representatives of research institutions and interested stakeholders took part in the event on the place and remotely.

Invitation to WEBINAR - Involving EOSC activities in the activities of the RDA nodes - 21.9.2020


The team of the RDA BG Node) will host a virtual seminar on the topic:

Involving EOSC activities in the activities of the RDA nodes.

The event will be held on September 21st, 2020 from 10:00 - 11:30 in the ZOOM system.


Webinar ID: 830 8849 7886
Passcode: 122639