Prof. Ana Proykova presented the RDA-BG node activities during The Eleventh National Information Day: Open Science, Open Data, Open Access, Bulgarian Open Science Cloud. The webinar was held on 25th of September 2020 and was organized by the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
Prof. Proykova described the vision and the activities of the RDA-BG node and confirmed that RDA can be seen as one of the main pillars of the EOSC. She took part as well in the discussions for the Bulgarian roadmap for open science, European Open Science Cloud and EOSC Association, Bulgarian Open Science Cloud, Bulgarian portal for open science and the national repository, Institutional repositories and other e-infrastructures and the problems of the Harmonization of National Legislation and Practices in the field of Open Science.
All of the participants in the Information Day confirmed that Open Science can be set as a national priority only through partnership and collaboration among all stakeholders.