
Information for the RDA Website Content Freeze (13th March) and Soft Launch Date (25th March)

The RDA Secretariat is excited to report the soft launch of the long-awaited RDA redesigned website on 25 March.  After a decade of incremental upgrades, the underlying technology is completely redesigned to provide improved integration of communication channels and additional services and a more modern and approachable look.

Invitation for RDA Webinar series

The RDA Secretariat will organise a webinar series highlighting the RDA's regional members' activities and their overall research data management, FAIR data and research landscape. 

SecretariatIn this context, a 'pilot' webinar organised by the RDA Secretaiat and RDA Europe will be held on RDA France, which will present its activities and the national context in which these activities fit.

The webinar is scheduled in two similar sessions to allow for global participation:

A new RDA Working Group to facilitate open data publication, access, sharing and collaboration, supported by Oracle for Research

About the Working Group

An RDA-OfR Working Group (WG), supported by Oracle for Research (OfR) and facilitated by the Research Data Alliance (RDA), will be initiated to determine successful methodologies and industry gaps of data sharing platforms to better facilitate data publication, access, sharing and collaboration among the global research data community.