Public consultations for PID Architecture for the EOSC

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The document PID Architecture for the EOSC is open for public consultations and comments here.

This is the first public draft version of the reference PID Architecture for the EOSC (version 0.3, 2020-10-15) with authors: Ulrich Schwardmann, Martin Fenner, Maggie Hellström, Brian Matthews, Raphael Ritz, Mario Valle, Mark van de Sanden, Themis Zamani.

The Technical Architecture document on Persistent Identifiers (PIDs) aims to identify opportunities for how interoperability between PID services can be achieved within the framework of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). Drawing from the EOSC guidelines, it identifies stakeholders at different levels of PID namespaces, their roles and their ability to enforce policies. The Technical Architecture document is mainly targeted at PID and generic service providers and practitioners as guidelines on implementation of PIDs and related services compliant with PID Policy within the EOSC. But it may also be of interest for technically interested PID practitioners and for policy makers acting on an organisational level.
